• #2
..I'd like to see one with Harvs face on it!
? what like this? you sick bastard!
• #3
• #4
or should i say in it
• #5
Spoke cards look silly.....My opinion!!
• #6
in moderation i think not , ie 1 or 2, like the bike ambulance one that oz has...
• #7
Spoke cards look silly.....My opinion!!
agreed, thats why i stick mine to my back-pack
i is use them as pakkcards yo -
• #8
in moderation i think not , ie 1 or 2, like the bike ambulance one that oz has...
'I disagree with what you say but i defend your right to say it'......Voltaire...ergo i hear what you say and disagree with you.....spoke cards spoil the clean looks of a bike and that is what makes a fixed bike...the removing of all [ALL]...superfluous bits and pieces....and if that includes gears and a rear brake it definitely includes spoke cards......but in our 'democracy'...you are entitled to use them on your bike.....each to their own...even if it is wrong and looks very wrong!....In Soviet times when one was called a 'bureaucrat'....it meant you were one step from the gulags [nasty prison camps in Siberia].....so the equivalent phrase would be today in this context....'fakenger'!!
BTW...how are the wheels?....I should taken the extra £10...stop you wasting money on spoke cards!!
• #9
I have no spoke cards (yet)
and the wheels are brilliant,
thanks.and to the above, i do argree,
and i think what i'm trying to say is i hear what you say, see your point and beg to differ, not totally disagree...as as you say, each to their own -
• #10
i 100% agree with Leon, why spend so much time putting your bike on a diet and then add spoke cards? Fashion over function?
I spend time cutting down my seatpost right to the minimum to save extra 10-20 grams, why would i want spokecards in my wheels. And there is a reason i dont put lights ON my bike (but on my bag/shoulder clip) is that my bike is always as light as it could be and i only add weight with what i take with me in my bag or what i had for breakfast.
I am quite a serious maniac when it comes to dieting out bikes, and spoke cards are just pointless if you've gone through all that trouble......my opinion. -
• #11
• #12
eddie, you should get some frog lights
you''ve probably seen them or you may even have them,
they're £14.99 a pair and come in lotsa colours, i can get you a pair w/ 10% off if you wish. -
• #13
eddie, you should get some frog lights
you''ve probably seen them or you may even have them,
they're £14.99 a pair and come in lotsa colours, i can get you a pair w/ 10% off if you wish.Have you heard of laissez-faire?....19th century political economy view point...means leave alone.....then it meant don't force good health onto me...ie sanitary sewage systems, fresh water in pipes for all.....where the government keeps out of everything except law and order, foreign policy and defence.....so if Eddie wants to go without lights and takes the risk of killed that is his look out...i personally think it is crazy to cycle without lights...but that does not mean that they should be forced upon a cyclist...in my opinion...i agree others will disagree and think cyclists should be fined or punished....again i disagree....the ones i do feel sorry for is the person who mows down the cyclist without lights....assuming the driver is not drunk, not using a mobile, not on narcotic drugs or is a homicidal killer!...So don't try to enforce your values upon Eddy....he wants his bike paired to the bone.....and if i recall he does attach lights to his clothes and bag...if so...no probs!
Glad you like the wheels and they have gone to a good home......still spoke cards would spoil those lovely wheels.....don't do it!
• #14
i 100% agree with Leon, why spend so much time putting your bike on a diet and then add spoke cards? Fashion over function?
You could save a kilo if you had a haircut!
• #15
And be more aerodynamic into the bargain!
• #16
ha! :) but yeah i have lights, stick 'em on me bag
As long as my actual bike has no excess fat, i can do whatever i want to myself, take those lights with me in a bag or leave 'em home, keep me hair or shave it off, wear shorts rather than jeans...you get the point...My bike still stays weighing the same and i have more control of the weight distribution when im riding, because that weight is on me.Oh and btw, i always wear a little cycling/windproof hat which tucks my hair and ears in, im also quite mad on aerodynamics, but thats a whole different story.
• #17
I'm guessing your lights weigh less as the batteries run out ? hence the minimal glow yours seem to emit.
• #18
bro you should start stripping your body down, maybe start with your hair (its far to long any way you dam hippy) them maybe a few obsolete digits etc, that will cut down even more weight.
• #19
back on the bike you could take out all the spokes you don't need....
• #20
i would have changed to tubs if not for the unreliability with punctures and skidding with tubs is never a good idea.
My hair doesn't weight that much, here im playing the game of save money on haircuts and spend it on your bike...
• #21
I'm not a big fan of spoke cards but then Matt showed up with a laminated gig flyer and I thought that looked pretty cool.
But in truth, I am all about minimal. In fact, I have some pretty ridiculous aesthetic preferences when it comes to bikes which I won't bore you with here.
• #22
go for it matt!!
we want to hear about your preferencial aesthetics! -
• #23
Maybe once I've finished work : )
Right Guys!
Spoke card designs, lets have a ‘bridge cunts card collective
I'd like to see one with Harvs face on it!