• #2
hahaha i want some! i always wanted one of those scrolling led displays in the back of my car...
• #3
Ideally the side with the writing on should be sticky, for affixing to the windscreen of the miscreant in question.
• #4
How about stickers featuring racist slogans, to be applied to cars that cut you up?
The reactions from other motorists as they drive around town sporting a swastika bumper sticker would be a particularly vicious form of revenge....
• #5
I have a friend who just gives a thumbs down motion and shakes her head at people who cut her up. It's amazingly effective.
• #6
I should start doing that instead of ranting and raving. Much lower on the blood pressure.
I tried to get stickers with YOU DRIVE LIKE A DICK printed on the sticky side but didn't have the cash for the startup at the time. Should try again after I am drawing a paycheck.
• #7
I was thinking about this the other week some some drip of a woman cut me up spectacularly. I gesticulated at her to look where she's going, and she intimated that I was mental.
After my initial rage and the urge to chase her and give her a piece of my mind, I thought, she doesn't know what she's done wrong. People need to be told in a calm and polite way that they've just endangered the life of someone.
My idea was to have a sticker that links to a website which will explain why they've been sticker-ed. It would be called 'See me now?' or something. And T-shirts etc. And maybe some blood capsules to throw on the windscreen of bad offenders.
This was my day dream on the way to work.
Or maybe just YOU DRIVE LIKE A DICK on a sticker then. -
• #8
Could be tricky to have a range of stickers for each potential problem ready when you need em tho!
In favour of this although the stickers should be non-damaging as no-one needs the hassle of having to repaint some gits bumper when it pulls the paint off...
Windscreen is also not so good as depending on placement could leave another blindspot...
Talking to people face to face ftw. -
• #9
• #11
Bit preachy that though... Just 'Yellow Card: Know it or not - what you just did was inconsiderate, impatient and dangerous'.
• #12
Real men drive cars with GRP bodies.
• #13
The finger seems the most accepted sign to drivers
• #15
From Cambridge a year or so ago:
and (bottom left):
• #16
How about "Narrow lanes: Don't flash or beep your horn at cyclists; effectively demanding they get off the road, even though they are doing 20mph"
• #17
I like that narrow lanes sign. Makes up for all the 'cyclists dismount' signs I've ignored at roadworks.
• #18
Lucky Guys.
In Portugal we don't have nothing similar...
• #19
I've never cycled in Portugal but I've never ceased to be amazed by the amazing quality of road surfaces across the country. It fills me with envy.
• #20
I like that narrow lanes sign. Makes up for all the 'cyclists dismount' signs I've ignored at roadworks.
when it said 'cyclists dismount', it mean it's advisory rather than compulsory.
• #21
It was originally written "Cyclists Advised to Dismount" before it got shorten to "Cyclists Dismount".
• #22
I thought the rectangles were always advisory? Any difference between the blue and red ones?
Little shit storm over this in Cambridge at the moment - MP Julian Huppert thinks the signs should be more polite to cyclists.
• #23
And they're getting better at this in the City - 'cyclists dismount' on London Wall now 'beware cyclists in roadway'
• #24
I thought the rectangles were always advisory? Any difference between the blue and red ones?
As I understand it, blue signs are generally informational, and red signs are generally warnings / instructions.
Oh hang on - here is a good resource: http://www.onlinedrivingtheory.co.uk/Signs/Introduction.aspx
• #25
In Italy there aren't signals for bikers. Ferrara is the Italian city of bicycles where use of this means of transport is among the highest in Europe
Just spotted these on a design blog...