• #2
deep, sounds like that driver was a dozy cunt, you should of tried to get a bit of cash of him
• #3
glad you're reasonably ok.
so he lied but he doesn't have insurance (along with 10% of all other cars out there), what do you expect him to do?
presumably he's now getting prosecuted for driving without insurance... so you can bring a private prosecution against him (personally). use the CTC insurance scheme and they'll sort it out.
• #4
Make a claim for personal injury - the MIB (motor insurers bureau) not Men in Black (although they might be for all I know) will sort it out.
• #5
my right knee is tender, but not as bad as my left ankle, which is in a bit of pain even as I write.
are you writing with your left ankle..?
"heel" up soon, LA.. haven't seen you for ages dude, come out for a ride soon....
• #6
Wicked outcome (apart form the injuries). One less cunt on the road.
• #7
Glad it ended ok - hope you got checked out proper LA. Good job you caught him in the end but general rule is NEVER let anyone leave the scene of a collision - especially if you turn out to have more damage than you thought in the adrenalin-fuelled post accident moments...Stay safe sir.
• #8
Something similar happened to me about 6 months ago - got hit by a car pulling out from a junction, knocked me acrosss the road. Luckily cyclist behind immediately called police and ambulance while the driver was was saying "let me help you up, you'r OK aren't you." He just wanted to get away asap so I refused to get up until the ambulance arrived in case anything was broken (to hell with the traffic held up). Ambulance and police all turned up v. quickly, I was checked over in the ambulance complete with bike which I refused to leave in the road (this is off Holloway Road after all!) and was qiven a lift home by those kind policemen.
I was bruised and stiff the next day and confidence shaken.
As a victim of careless driving and driver w/o insurance (!), and this will probably happen to you, I was asked later how I would like this to proceed - eg 're-education' for the driver, caution or court summons. I am going for the court summons - no matter how 'nice' drivers appear I would always go for the strongest punishment. I was told that I may have to appear as a witness but this is unlikely.
Currently awaiting the outcome!
• #9
Take it easy out there buddy.
• #10
glad you're ok Skully - and hey.......let's be careful out there
• #11
driving about with no insurance, mowing down cyclists, and lying to the po po. this guy need to sort it out!
did you get his details/number plate? -
• #12
Yeah I did get all the necessary details and luckily there isnt really much pain anywhere aside from a grazed knee. It was also my first day back cycling from an extended holiday.
But anyway, its all good in the hood.
• #13
i've only had one injury so far in london (fingers crossed), i was changing lanes at vauxhall and about to turn up over the bridge when i car hit my back wheel sending my bike straight to the floor to my left and i fly out and hit both wrists, shoulder and knee's on the concrete... takes a while for me to crawl out of the road and luckily there was no other traffic, i then think about the licence but by this time hes driven off. now thinking about it maybe he was another driver without insurance.
Last night as I was speeding down west on Millbank I see a bus awkwardly try and pick up passengers essentially blocking both lanes of traffic on, naturally I pull out and overtake on the right, when this f*ck overtakes me and sideswipes me with with the passenger side of his car. I fall off my bike and as I'm on all fours in the middle of the street, I just know some other f*ck behind me is about to squash me. That didnt happen.
Guy that hit me stops and pulls over, my right knee is tender, but not as bad as my left ankle, which is in a bit of pain even as I write. Nothing too serious I dont think and I let the guy who hit me just go after screaming a bit of profanity, but in the end shake his hand and send him on his way.
Right at that instant the old bill pull up and ask him why he's pulled over where he isnt, and the guy lies and says he just pulled over to check his tires. Now I overheard this, and just didnt think it was right that he had to lie about anything, I explain that that's not the reason he's pulled over and explained to the cop what happened. Details are taken and that's pretty much it. Turns out the fucker didnt have insurance so thank f*ck me or my bike wasnt injured and he gets his car taken off him.
Funny thing was the 5-0 was gonna let him go if I hadnt overheard him lie.
So that's my first and only biking accident in london in over a year of cycling. Oh aside from the fact I endo'd on the way to south drinks once. But that was my fault.