Another Questionnaire...

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  • Thanks again to everyone who posted in the previous *questionnaire *thread. Invaluable information gained.

    Below is another questionnaire. For those of you who didn't read the previous thread, I'm a jammy final year product design student who is doing fixed-gear stuff for his major project.

    Responses to questionnaire very VERY much appreciated, and wil help me with my project a great deal.


    Q1: Do you have fliers/spoke cards in your spokes? (y/n)

    **Q2: Which of the following do you do on your fixed-gear bike **(indicate all that apply):

    • Play polo
    • Commute/get from 'A' to 'B'/long rides.
    • Perform tricks

    **Q3: Do you ever use a mudguard on your fixed gear bike? **(y/n)

    Q4: How do you feel a mudguard affects the aesthetics of fixed gear bikes in general?
    **- **Improves.

    • No positive or negative effect.
    • Disrupts/spoils/makes worse.

    Q5: If you get a nipple in your pork scratchings, is this lucky or unlucky?

    • Lucky
    • No change to fortune
    • Unlucky

    Thanks in advance to all those who take part.

  • Thanks again to everyone who posted in the previous *questionnaire *thread. Invaluable information gained.

    Q1: Do you have fliers in your spokes? (y/n)
    What am I 12 years old, of course I don't

    **Q2: Which of the following do you do on your fixed-gear bike **(indicate all that apply):

    • Leisure/fitness only

    **Q3: Do you ever use a mudguard on your fixed gear bike? **(y/n)

    Q4: How do you feel a mudguard affects the aesthetics of fixed gear bikes in general?
    **- **Disrupts/spoils/makes worse.
    The beauty of the fixed gear is the cleanliness of lines, mudguards are at odds with this

    Q5: If you get a nipple in your pork scratchings, is this lucky or unlucky?

    • Lucky
    • No change to fortune
    • Unlucky
      Vegetarian and I haven't seen vegetarian pork scratchings yet, and even if I did I doubt anyone would go to the bother of formulating a faux nipple.

    Thanks in advance to all those who take part.


  • Q1: Do you have fliers in your spokes? (y/n)
    no i flippin' well don't.

    **Q2: Which of the following do you do on your fixed-gear bike **(indicate all that apply):

    Communte and get from A to B.

    **Q3: Do you ever use a mudguard on your fixed gear bike? **(y/n)
    Nope. Should do though, cuz I constantly look like I've shit myself.

    Q4: How do you feel a mudguard affects the aesthetics of fixed gear bikes in general?

    • Disrupts/spoils/makes worse.

    Q5: If you get a nipple in your pork scratchings, is this lucky or unlucky?

    • No change to fortune

    (I'm vegan)

  • Thanks to the people who have taken part so far! Much appreciated!

  • I have a flip flop hub that I ride sometimes fixed, sometimes free if that counts btw?**

    Q1: Do you have fliers in your spokes?**

    I have a playing card in them if that counts?

    **Q2: Which of the following do you do on your fixed-gear bike **(indicate all that apply):

    • Commute/get from 'A' to 'B'.
    • (Attempt to)Perform tricks

    **Q3: Do you ever use a mudguard on your fixed gear bike? **


    Q4: How do you feel a mudguard affects the aesthetics of fixed gear bikes in general?
    I don't like front ones, rear ones can look alright but I still prefer without, from an aesthetics point of view
    Q5: If you get a nipple in your pork scratchings, is this lucky or unlucky?

    N/A - I'm veggie

  • Q1: Do you have fliers in your spokes? (y/n)
    No fliers but tonight I'm collecting a spoke card from the Tweed ride

    **Q2: Which of the following do you do on your fixed-gear bike **(indicate all that apply):

    • Commute/get from 'A' to 'B'.

    **Q3: Do you ever use a mudguard on your fixed gear bike? **(y/n)
    yes, I don't like riding around with a wet arse

    Q4: How do you feel a mudguard affects the aesthetics of fixed gear bikes in general?
    it all depends on the kind of mudguard and the kind of fixed gear bike.. I have a relatively cheap conversion and some basic mudguards that probably do take away somewhat from the bike's look but a really nice vintage looking bike with wooden fenders can look pretty swish

    Q5: If you get a nipple in your pork scratchings, is this lucky or unlucky?

    • No change to fortune
  • Q1: Do you have fliers in your spokes? (y/n)

    Q2: Which of the following do you do on your fixed-gear bike (indicate all that apply):
    Commute/get from 'A' to 'B'.

    Q3: Do you ever use a mudguard on your fixed gear bike? (y/n)

    Q4: How do you feel a mudguard affects the aesthetics of fixed gear bikes in general?
    No positive or negative effect.

    Q5: If you get a nipple in your pork scratchings, is this lucky or unlucky?
    No change to fortune. wtf?!?

    pork scratchings or chicharron is great with spicy vinegar. wouldnt dip a nipple in spicy vinegar...might sting

  • Q1: Do you have fliers/spoke cards in your spokes? (y/n) No

    Q2: Which of the following do you do on your fixed-gear bike (indicate all that apply):

    • Commute/get from 'A' to 'B'. Long rides. Training.

    Q3: Do you ever use a mudguard on your fixed gear bike? (y/n) No

    Q4: How do you feel a mudguard affects the aesthetics of fixed gear bikes in general?

    • No positive or negative effect. A matter of personal preference

    Q5: If you get a nipple in your pork scratchings, is this lucky or unlucky?
    I would never eat Pork Scratchings.


  • ^^^ thanks for the link. I am aware of this site. Prefer it this way though...

  • I think you have failed on this survey so despite the fact I would like to help I can't

    Q2 needs a other or a long rides section

    Q4 is far too blanket, depends on the bike.

    Also it seem like you are falling into the fixed gear = track bike way of thought, which is wrong.

  • ^^^ thanks for the link. I am aware of this site. Prefer it this way though...

    Just thought you might get a few more responses if you made it a bit easier for people. I know I'd prefer it.

  • I think you have failed on this survey so despite the fact I would like to help I can't

    Q2 needs a other or a long rides section

    Q4 is far too blanket, depends on the bike.

    Also it seem like you are falling into the fixed gear = track bike way of thought, which is wrong.

    the purpose of Q2 is to determine if you take part in any of the activities listed. if not, that is fine, just make it clear. If you somehow manage to go on long rides without ever going rom a to b, i'm very impressed.

    Q4 is fine thanks. No apologies for that one. Most people seem capable of expressing an opinion on the matter.

    If i was assuming that fixed gear was equal to track bike i would have included "-velodrome" in Q2.

  • Just thought you might get a few more responses if you made it a bit easier for people. I know I'd prefer it.

    I wasn't being sarcastic when i said thanks mate. It is the thought that counts, and i genuinely appreciate it.

    I'm grateful anyone is taking the time to look at my thread, to be honest. I got a decent number of responses to the last one, too.

  • I wasn't being sarcastic when i said thanks mate. It is the thought that counts, and i genuinely appreciate it.

    I didn't think you were!

    I design, run and analyse surveys for (part of) my living, so I had to pitch in...

    I'll have a bash at yours when I've eaten my dinner.

  • ^^^ thanks mate!

  • Q1: Do you have fliers/spoke cards in your spokes? (y/n) No

    Q2: Which of the following do you do on your fixed-gear bike (indicate all that apply):

    • Commute/get from 'A' to 'B'.

    Q3: Do you ever use a mudguard on your fixed gear bike? (y/n)
    Q4: How do you feel a mudguard affects the aesthetics of fixed gear bikes in general?

    • Disrupts/spoils/makes worse. -although they are a good practical addition

    Q5: If you get a nipple in your pork scratchings, is this lucky or unlucky?

    • Unlucky
  • Q1: Do you have fliers/spoke cards in your spokes? (y/n)

    **Q2: Which of the following do you do on your fixed-gear bike **(indicate all that apply):

    • (I will eventually) Play polo
    • Commute/get from 'A' to 'B'
    • Perform tricks - nothing to Mosher-esque. Backward circles and fun skids and I'm happy.
      I would also add totally random peaceful wanderings about during my spare time. No destination in mind, just rolling around and watching the world slide past.

    **Q3: Do you ever use a mudguard on your fixed gear bike? **(y/n)
    Have done.
    Q4: How do you feel a mudguard affects the aesthetics of fixed gear bikes in general?
    **- **Improves.

    • No positive or negative effect. Dependant on Bike.
    • Disrupts/spoils/makes worse.

    Q5: If you get a nipple in your pork scratchings, is this lucky or unlucky?

    • Lucky
    • No change to fortune
    • Unlucky - You're eating Pork Scratchings, you are your own worst enemy. It's like digging your grave and finding a landmine at the bottom.

    There you go.

  • the purpose of Q2 is to determine if you take part in any of the activities listed. if not, that is fine, just make it clear. If you somehow manage to go on long rides without ever going rom a to b, i'm very impressed.

    commuting / getting from a to be implies a utilitarian point ti the journey.

    Q4 is fine thanks. No apologies for that one. Most people seem capable of expressing an opinion on the matter.

    The people that answered the question will always beable to find an answer. You don't know what the people who could not answer the questions would say as they will not answer the questionnaire. This means that due to the design you are large picking the people who will give you the answers you want by design.

    Sorry I just don't know how you can get any meaningful statistics from some of these questions.

  • Q1: Do you have fliers in your spokes?

    **Q2: Which of the following do you do on your fixed-gear bike **
    strictly an a-b man. one less car and all that.

    **Q3: Do you ever use a mudguard on your fixed gear bike? **
    what are they?

    Q4: How do you feel a mudguard affects the aesthetics of fixed gear bikes in general?
    i guess you already know my answer to this one..

    Q5: If you get a nipple in your pork scratchings, is this lucky or unlucky?
    fixed-gear stuff for your major i've heard it all lol

    hope this helps bro'

  • Q1: Do you have fliers/spoke cards in your spokes?

    **Q2: Which of the following do you do on your fixed-gear bike **(indicate all that apply):

    • Commute/get from 'A' to 'B'.

    **Q3: Do you ever use a mudguard on your fixed gear bike? **
    No ( but I have a hot shower and clean dry clothes waiting when I get to B)

    Q4: How do you feel a mudguard affects the aesthetics of fixed gear bikes in general?

    • No positive or negative effect.
      (All depends on the person and the bike - I had mudguards on the same bike for 12 years and then took them off and the bike looked wrong/weird)

    Q5: If you get a nipple in your pork scratchings, is this lucky or unlucky?


  • commuting / getting from a to be implies a utilitarian point ti the journey.

    The people that answered the question will always beable to find an answer. You don't know what the people who could not answer the questions would say as they will not answer the questionnaire. This means that due to the design you are large picking the people who will give you the answers you want by design.

    Sorry I just don't know how you can get any meaningful statistics from some of these questions.

    In my mind getting from a to b simply implies a start point and a destination. even if you go for a ride and turn back when you get tired/cold/bored i still count this. If you are really bothered about it i will edit that option to include "/long rides" and you can select that.

    The fact that there are 3 options, two opposing and one neutral means that i am not steering the questionnaire towards a desired answer. Rather than simply not entering the questionnaire, people who wish to express an opinion other than those listed as an option can (and do) simply type what they want.

    The data gathered will be analysed to see if any patterns emerge. The previous questionnaire thread which i started identified some strong trends and also some useful qualitative data about positive characteristics of fixed gear bikes (track or otherwise).

    hang on, utilitarian? You mean the most pleasure for the most people?**

  • Q1: Do you have fliers/spoke cards in your spokes? (y/n)

    **Q2: Which of the following do you do on your fixed-gear bike **(indicate all that apply):
    - Commute/get from 'A' to 'B'/long rides.

    **Q3: Do you ever use a mudguard on your fixed gear bike? **(y/n)

    Q4: How do you feel a mudguard affects the aesthetics of fixed gear bikes in general?
    spoils eveyrthing, if your bike can go forwards without it its useless.

    Q5: If you get a nipple in your pork scratchings, is this lucky or unlucky?
    sure, call it lucky, freeze it and sell it on ebay

  • No

  • Q1: Do you have fliers/spoke cards in your spokes?


    **Q2: Which of the following do you do on your fixed-gear bike **(indicate all that apply):

    Commute/get from 'A' to 'B'/long rides.
    Q3: Do you ever use a mudguard on your fixed gear bike?

    **Not yet but am purchasing one.

    Q4: How do you feel a mudguard affects the aesthetics of fixed gear bikes in general?

    No positive or negative effect, it's funtional, no one likes a wet arse.

    Q5: If you get a nipple in your pork scratchings, is this lucky or unlucky?

    Unlucky, even worse if it's hairy.

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Another Questionnaire...

Posted by Avatar for bavski @bavski
