• #2
i've always found the Mac OS to give a more spiritual ride, it's like you're more connected to the machine, just the simplicity of it all. i like to use my Mac without a mouse or keyboard, i prefer the aesthetics and it forces you to concentrate on the screen in a way that I never understood before i removed the unnecessary peripherals. PC users don't understand it, but I could never go back to a windows-based mouse-and-keyboard set-up, it just feels really un-natural and out of control, and there are too many twats in chinos using PCs - i don't want to be part of that crowd. the other day i passed a guy in chinos with his Dell, going up Clerkenwell Road, and i breezed past him with my Mac like he was standing still. I suddenly felt vindicated in all of my life choices.
• #3
I just like the fact the battery on my macbook still lasts 8 hours 2 years after I got it, name a PC laptop that does the same.
• #4
the battery on my macbook lasts 10 minutes, 2.5 years after i got it! :(
• #5
but do you use it for work rather than just dicking around?
• #6
it's definitely a 'life choice' to seeing the light...
My work uses microsoft (sorry for my language.)
• #7
yes, admittedly the battery lasts less time when i use it for work, but it still lasts a couple of hours.
Just charge it up full then let it run down to empty never leave it on charge and it will last a lot longer.
• #8
**yes, admittedly the battery lasts less time when i use it for work, but it still lasts a couple of hours.
Just charge it up full then let it run down to empty never leave it on charge and it will last a lot longer.reference to other thread fail :)
• #9
yeah but when it dies, you have to buy a new one from apple for whatever price they want to charge.
hey, Macs are more advanced.
check out the usability. PC's are the Championship compared to Apple's Premiership.
Oh, note she works for MSN.... disillusioned.