• #2
That sucks Al. Come to West Beers this week on yer gears and we'll buy you consolation pints.
• #3
sorry to hear that
• #4
just ride a geared bike for the tweed ride
• #5
No geared bike at the moment. All in pieces requiring major overhauls. Fuck it, might right my girlfriends old Raleigh ladies 5 speed complete with child seat!
• #6
ride the condor or coppi... and put your bikes indoor,
they'll be back for more for sure, always do, if they see anything that they couldn't carry the 1st time round. -
• #7
+1 to Dylan's comment.
And make sure you haven't got anything in the shed they could use to break into your house.
Eg: crowbar/ladder.
Common trick with burglars is to break into sheds and then do the house.
(That way the burglars who are known to the cops can't be nicked for going equipped to steal.) -
• #8
electrify the handle to the shed door, they will be back.
• #9
Big Al. Its only a Bowery, but plain black based in Saaaf London. Do you want to borrow it?
• #10
how tall are you?
• #11
Thanks for all the kind offers. I'd love to come to Westies on Thursday but other commitments I'm afraid (got to be back home to deal with a 2 year old!)
Thanks for the offer Bernie - I'm going to see if I can put the Coppi back in order and use that if I can.
CoppiThat - I'm 5' 10".
Anyway I shall be back on the road soon (even if I am going to ride a ladies bike on Saturday)!
• #12
unlucky Al... did they break the door in or did you have a weak padlock???
if it's insured it's just a bit of inconvenience in the grand scheme of things
• #13
I'd echo the previous comment about removing your other bikes, if only until they strike again - it is highly, highly likely that they will return for more.
Bike was nicked from my shed last night - ignored a Condor and a Coppi frames and took my Langster (so not much of a loss).
But joking aside it was my only fixed ride and for their good/bad points I enjoyed riding it. Have been to a few west end beers and the Oxford ride on it. Even had sourced a full tweed outfit for the weekend.
So nothing to ride at present and an insurance claim to go through!
What a bunch of cunts!