• #2
Attachment fail. :)
• #3
Oh bollocks. .xls files are invalid.
• #4
Don't suppose you could email it to me? I'm all curious now since I took will's turbo..
• #5
put it on some space and link to it for d/l here hippy, or give it to me and I'll do it
• #6
I was gonna.. when he emails it.
• #7
Done it.
• #8
Cheers Caspar, that's sweet! I hate making programs up.
My coach also suggested Joe(l)? Friel's book (spiral bound red one I think) which contains turbo workouts.
• #9
Joe Friel - **The Cyclists training bible
** "Training with Power" for you Hippy
Loads of free training tips here
and his blog
• #10
Anyone ever fear for their pets lives while riding on a turbo trainer? I had one in Montreal but would have to lock my cats up before I'd use it.
• #11
Joe Friel - The Cyclists training bible
"Training with Power" for you Hippy
http://www.trainingbible.com/pdf/Train_with_Power.pdfThat's not it. That's Hunter Allen's Power training book.
I can't get into my fucking amazoncunt wishlist to find the proper one. Kill death spear stab!
• #12
Anyone ever fear for their pets lives while riding on a turbo trainer? I had one in Montreal but would have to lock my cats up before I'd use it.
No pets.
My neighbour asked me what machine I was running and if I needed to run it at 0700 in the morning though!
They're fat, I'm not!
• #13
Thanks Caspar, looks good but not very tailored for Rollaracing. To get near competitive times one has to go around 220 RPM, right? I am lucky if I can kick 190 on the turbo for a short time and things seem to improve but not from playing around 120 RPM as suggested tin these "Cadence Workouts". Would be great if you can share your secret training regime, sub 20' on a button please.
On the other hand dont bother, I decided I have a abnormal low percenage of fast switching muscle fibres so gave up on the rollaz anyway... -
• #14
On the other hand dont bother, I decided I have a abnormal low percenage of fast switching muscle fibres so gave up on the rollaz anyway...
Slow twitch fibres FTW ... on a long ride when the spinny sprinters have long packed it in!
• #15
claus, please don't give up the rollers ;o)
• #16
no worries clive you will see me returning to the rollaz for everybody's amusement.
• #17
Caspar has his own secret turbo programme...
• #18
chainless bike FTW
try keeping a smooth 200 rpm on that fucker.
oh shit, I'm giving away top secret info here..
ah well, that'll level the field
• #19
Have you tried your roller program RPM :)
• #20
Can anyone recommend a good cheap heart rate (-50£) monitor for me please. Not that I am taking this seriously or anything ;)
• #21
I use a very basic Polar for more than 5 years. They are very reliable and their chest belt also syncs with the HRM on the turbo. The basic model at the moment is probably the F4. Only downside with the Polars is that you have to send it in when the battery is flat, but they claim to recalibrate and seal it. 18 GBP for the replacement job around every 2.5 years. There is also a good offer at wiggles but dont know anything about that model or brand.
• #23
You can get them in Argos for £15 and they work fine. You just don't get all the downloading and stuff.
• #24
Thanks adoubletap, just what my mate needs.
• #25
Thanks for all the advice.
I went for the this Garmin Forerunner 50 Sports Watch with Wireless Sync: Amazon.co.uk: Electronics & Photo
I thought this might be useful for some of you