• #2
• #3
Is it true that Dale is a better ride than hippy? It's what everyone tells me.
• #4
• #5
That guy (left) totally looks like hippy... Er, that's it really...
• #6
• #7
Is it true that Dale is a better ride than hippy? It's what everyone tells me.
yeah everyone says that, especially dale.
but hippy only does old man stuff these days, fun rides and london freewheels
• #8
it might be just a vicious rumour,but someone on this forum told me that hippy is the proud owner of a WELSH rugby shirt
• #9
I spotted him at the pool earlier…
• #11
Hippy is afraid of man sized drinks.
• #12
Vegemite. Australia's number one export.
• #13
stop counting internet posts and go cycling.
• #14
LOve Them Aussies
YouTube - Rolf Harris Show 22nd March 1969 - Jake The Peg BBC -
• #15
Hippy wishes to post 20K threads by xmas.
You must mean 'posts' ...
• #16
Whats yellow and looks great on hippy?
FIRE! ;) -
• #17
• #18
man where the fuck did you dig up DAAS kapital, thats older than you!?? very very funny program.and HIPPY IS FAT xo
• #20
you shouldn't mock the retarded special people. its not PC
• #21
so you shouldn't clap clap for the handicap?
• #22
"Hippy is someone who looks like Tarzan, walks like Jane, and smells like Cheetah" - Ronald Reagan
Hippy wishes to post 20K threads by xmas.
If we all flame him here he can keep responding to our posts and possibly this will save him from cluttering up the rest of the forum.