• #2
it's cos you have ADSL A being Asynchronous, meaning uploads are shitslow compared to downloads.
• #3
so... how do i make it faster?
oh its normally much faster for the same purpose a simalar sized file took about 3/4th of an hour on Monday, today its predicting 3+ hours.
• #4
Use a different connection, that will make it faster*.
- SO long as the other connection is a faster one.
- SO long as the other connection is a faster one.
• #5
the other conection i can get here is even slower... so im fucked then?
• #6
• #7
Fuckity Fucked
• #8
Fucking Fuckity Fuckibity Fuckoolity Fucked.
• #9
stop downloading porn!!
• #10
Proper Fucked.
• #11
Use a curryer.
• #12
don't think so... can you zip a zip?
• #13
No. I therefore have buttons.
• #14
Yep.. but it will likely get bigger.
You're fucked.. totally utterly completely fucked.
• #15
fuckety fuck. oh well 52% done.... not going to make deadline.
• #16
It depends what it was zipped with and how it was zipped.
recklessly. -
• #17
email it to me and I will upload it for you.
• #18
PM someone with a "big fat pipe" (100 Megabit/sec would do), beg them for a favour, burn to a disc and cycle round to them?
• #19
i do a fair amount of ftp'ing and that's the upload speed i get. it slows down your download while the upload is going on too.
'be' now part of BT do a faster upload line for reasonable money if your exchange is compatible. -
• #20
Be are owned by O2, not BT.
On the new products in the market now ADSL with 1 Megabit/sec upload speeds are common, at least as far as business use is concerned- the Tiscali Annex-M ADSL service is 14 Meg down and 2 Meg up, offering CoS and QoS. Plus their business arm is not nearly as appalling as their private punter facing arm.
Your (probable) issue is going to be contention- does not matter how fast the line is if you are sharing it with 50 other people.
• #21
Checkout my stats baby!
• #22
their private punter facing arm.
.and people are asking if 'meh' is a proper word...
• #23
rar it, don't zip it.
• #24
Bit late if he's half-way into the upload.. it's not gonna save much but yeah, RAR ftw
• #25
I'm doing a massive upload onto a clients site, but I'm only getting in the area of 50kb/s at this rate i will be uploading until 5:30. its one 545mb zip file, any way i can speed this up?