• #2
sorry for the ancient dredge, but i also need some advice on this. i'm looking to scan three rolls worth of 6x6 negatives and can't afford to pay looooads.
does anyone have access to a free scanner / or know of a cheap rentable one?
it's just to play around and help choose which shot to use, rather than to actually print from, so no need for mondo quality for the time being.
any advice much appreciated. there'll be some beer or something in it for anyone who can help!i'd be up for buying one if there's one going cheap.
I need a scanner for negs and chromes and I can't afford a Hasselblad.
Anyone got any advice or recomendation? The good stuff will still be hand printed but I'm tempted to scan some chromes and do digital prints. I see there is a place in East where you can rent time on their Hassy scanner.