• #2
slow day at the office?
• #3
ritalin. amphetamine like drug. given to children now.
prozac. given to children now.the '00s are so progressive.
• #4
Why the fuck would you even be looking into 'gender reassigning' and penis surgery?
You got issues with your schlong that require surgery? Try www.londonfixedpenis.com -
• #5
Why the fuck would you even be looking into 'gender reassigning' and penis surgery?
You got issues with your schlong that require surgery? Try www.londonfixedpenis.comhaha
• #6
Why the fuck would you even be looking into 'gender reassigning' and penis surgery?
You got issues with your schlong that require surgery? Try www.londonfixedpenis.comjust stumbled across it, and expected to be called a tranny for it, just thought it was interesting/disturbing enough to merit sharing it with you all..
but seriously, what kind of messed up idea is that. To chop of a kids willy and call em a girl? also asking their parents to feed em hormone pills..
not surprising that guy comitted suicide, took him till 38 to do it though.
• #7
• #8
the actually let kids play out in the street, let them eat dirt, let them stay out after dark, let them eat lard.
now what do we have? fat hamster little fuckers.
• #9
that book's fucked up h2o!
• #10
I'm going back to the safety of the 'Listening' thread...
• #11
"David Reimer was born as a male identical twin in Winnipeg, Manitoba. His birth name was Bruce; his twin brother was named Brian"
Calling kids Brian and Bruce is abuse enough.
• #12
brian later become a schizophrenic.
i like ian banks' sci fi novels.
• #13
Strictly speaking The Wasp Factory isn't one of his science fiction novels. But then maybe you meant that anyway.
Moving back to the 60's (and I am a child of the 60's) you kids missed out on free school milk (even better when it had been left in the sun for a few hours), group medical exams (all queue up in your pants for a particularly embarrassing exam more or less in view of your peers), never mind going to school in huge flares and platform shoes with pudding bowl haircuts....don't get me started on ties or interior decor!
Ive heard from people who were given speed etc to correct there behavior as a child in the 60's, and I thought that was pretty much the worst thing (except for getting bummed in a boys home of course) 'the man' would do to kids in the 60's.
However I just discovered this incredibly fucked up practice..
and here.
If youve looked at the first two, you should have the warning that the third includes graphic depiction of the subject matter.