• #2
Hit it. It'll just have bonded with the headtube and a swift whack with a hammer, preferably a rubber mallet to avoid damaging the stem, will free it. Hit it from above too, it sounds counter intuitive but it'll free it and then you can remove it.
• #3
Hit it. It'll just have bonded with the headtube and a swift whack with a hammer, preferably a rubber mallet to avoid damaging the stem, will free it. Hit it from above too, it sounds counter intuitive but it'll free it and then you can remove it.
perhaps thats not clear.
You should unscrew it so it pops out an inch but is still fixed to the wedge.
Then a light tap with anything on the bolt.
• #4
when you undid the bolt, did the bolt rise up or just stay down? if it stayed down, skipto the next bit.. if it raised up, give it a tap down (wood and hammer or ruubber mallet). that should free the bottom part of it.
...the next bit...
once that is done, dont take out the bolt as the loose bit can be a pain to get out if it aint attached to the stem via the bolt. then do what rob says. if it doesnt work, do it again. and then go get some penetrating oil and leave it to soak overnight or at least a few hours. you cant heat it with a blow torch cos it'll make it look shite so patiance, a rubber mallet, oil and force in equal measures. good luck.
• #5
Nice one thanks guys, came out, just gave it gave it a few taps dow, left right upside down and out it came..
Anyone got any tips? Cinelli Quill... Undo the bolt, take it out, pull the bugger... Nothing, stuck fast... Anyway of bashing it out from the other side (can't quite see whats going on through the bottom of the fork so don't wanna just start hitting it...)