• #2
I was recommended an FSA one when I was in the market for one - it's worked perfectly so far.
• #3
campag record
• #5
sorry to drag this back up, i know how rpm can't handle old threads resurfacing, but is anyone using integrated headsets? i'm looking at;
i've heard the 45/45 are better bearigns but can't find any anywhere.
• #6
depends on the anlge you need, but these are pretty good. and cheap.
http://www.4downdistribution.com/pd/mi/unitedvalueheadset.html -
• #8
Campag rocks.
• #9
Campag rocks.
that's why you don't use campag, headsets shouldn't rock...
• #10
ok i got a brooklyn machine works integrated headset from ged, installed the the bottom and top cups so that the fork is now attached to the frame and pivots nicely, but the top cap to lock in the the top of the fork seems a bit strange to me, will post pics but it looks like i force it down the tube of the fork? doesnt seem right to me, waiting to hear back from ged but if anyone has any clues or experience with this please let me know...
• #11
ok, think i found the answer, it was the The adjusting bolt and the star fangled nut that was confusing me, seems to be answered here;
and here
some other good resources i found
• #12
that's why you don't use campag, headsets shouldn't rock...
Hahaha.Also, Campag headsets have always been considered to be of a lesser quality than the rest of their components.
I use an FSA headset and it's been rock solid so far.
• #13
if u got the money kink do a titanium and ceramic intergrated
http://www.alansbmx.com/product_info.php?cPath=32_48&products_id=7549&osCsid=982ecb2f8619e8db239d71224afba66e -
• #14
I've sold a few Hopes and they seem to be lasting well.
• #15
fooking hell! that kink is mad expensive, but it looks mad nice, totally the kind of thing i'd buy if i hadn't bought the bmw and had seen kink before the fsa, but i reckon if tom lamarche works his fsa as much as he does it must be sound
• #16
having a bitch of a time with the integrated, loads of play. got a longer blot but didnt fix it. any ideas?
Any recomendations for a decent integrated headset (such as it is!)?
The OE on the CONdor is past its best...