• #2
I certainly won't be riding for America...
However, beers and fireworks are always a winner! ;-) -
• #3
flag football? -
• #4
oh all rides will meet out front of the americaland embassy in W1.
• #5
With or without the guns?
• #6
I've always thought that the pump-holder on a Kronan looked like it would be ideal to launch small rockets from...
• #7
Chish Carsh has already started on the flyer [with a bit of help on the spelling from Tommy]
• #8
Chish Carsh has already started on the flyer [with a bit of help on the spelling from Tommy]
What you don't realize is that the fellow up there is actually having ago as http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moran. He does not like the Irish and is taking them on one family at a time.
• #9
*[class room politics / *Where's the 'Lets Invade Another Country" voting option? /class room politics]
• #10
i don't tink dats at arll funny
• #11
It would have to be the "America [fuck yeh!]*" ride.
- - name taken from a post I spotted a while back from Roxy which I thought was very funny
- - name taken from a post I spotted a while back from Roxy which I thought was very funny
• #12
Point of order here - drinking first then shooting guns if you want to be truly authentic
• #13
what about drink, ride to trailer park, shoot guns, let of fireworks, shag your sister, go on ricky lake/trisha
(2 last part optional, if your not american)
• #14
Now dogs, trisha is the cheap UK rip off of authentic American trash TV. ricky lake/jerry springer I think is what you meant.
Can you get to work on Australia day? Should be about the same but with different tv shows....
• #15
we had donohue and oprah :O. i put trisha as people may not know ricky lake.
• #16
No home grown trash tv? That's just.....sad.
• #17
• #18
• #19
• #20
On the other hand...
• #21
• #22
i love this so much.
• #23
^Then you'll probably like this...
• #24
love to come but will be away that weekend as brother's getting married. and yes, i'm actually (half) USA-ian! (don't wanna insult all those from other parts of america...)
• #25
this ride won't get going until 2011, three and a half years late.
and even then it'll only be because the japanese have bombed hawaii. or something.
so i have some ideas of a good way to celebrate America (the best country ever) kicking Englands ass (twice).
1 ride to a shooting range, shoot guns, ride back, drink beer and set off fireworks (on the 5th cause its a Saturday)
2 ride around central London drink beer, set off fire works on the 4th
3 just drink beer and set off fire works on the 4th