• #2
how do you embedd videos ?
[movie] [/movie] used to work but not any more :(
relating to this thread
• #3
just copy and paste the url of the movie:
http://www.londonfgss.com/thread23.html -
• #4
how do you embedd videos ?
[movie] [/movie] used to work but not any more :(
relating to this thread
just copy and paste the url of the movie:
Just put a link in the post that goes to the page on YouTube, Vimeo, etc that has the video:
So if I write this:
It comes out like this:
YouTube - 代々木ファンタジー国際戦 ミリオンナイト
Note: If you put a Url in the Quick Reply box it won't convert into an embedded video until you reload the page. So just trust that it's worked, or reload the page.