• #2
But all that stuff is there to keep you in the office and NEVER LET YOU GO BACK TO REALITY...
• #3
fucking naff. hot-deskorrific.
• #4
I hope they all get too fat to leave the building.
Its like Mother agency on steroids. HHCL did this in the 90's
Shite. -
• #5
Oh dear. How much of a twat does that guy look coming into the canteen on a helter skelter.
• #6
I think its fuckin awesome. Would 100x rather work somewhere like that than some generic grey boring office. If your gonna have to spend 8hrs of each day in an office it may as well be as much fun as possible.
• #7
I am never using google again
I know someone who is involved in Google's office design ... I will be having words with him (he's my father in law, so i expect it'll all be be complimentary when it comes down to it)
actually a little bit of fun goes a long way in a working environment.
but yes its soooo naff.
• #8
If your gonna have to spend 8hrs of each day in an office it may as well be as much fun as possible.
Friends of mine who work at Google tend to be out of the office for about 8 hours a day (to go home to sleep). It's a cult as much as it's an employer.
• #9
Yeah.. the only complaints about this setup are from people not sitting in a fscking open plan office for 10hrs a day.. Google rules.
• #10
man, my company won't even get us a proper coffee machine.
• #11
Free food. Maximum 100m away. Mmmmmmmmmmm.
• #12
man, my company won't even get us a proper coffee machine.
but google have slides and free food and... -
• #13
Oh dear. How much of a twat does that guy look coming into the canteen on a helter skelter.
If i was a client and some fucker whizzed down a slide to meet me i'd slap him and take my custom elsewhere…
Try hards.
• #14
i went with my dad to a meeting at Inktomi in san francisco, which was a massive internet company during the nineties, and the MD rocked up on a micro-scooter. cue stifled laughter.
• #15
'Forced Fun' is no fun at all.
• #16
i just want to use the stairs...
• #17
Google are making sooo much money at present. Is it so bad if they spend some of that on making the best of place their employees spend at lot of their lives (instead of giving it ALL to shareholders)?
Agreed, it's not all to my taste but LTFU!
(A cynic would have noticed how breakfast, lunch and dinner was free at Google - so you work long hours, eh?)
• #18
From what I hear it is similar to Microsoft in that respect. The coders at least get food bought to them as MS so they can keep on tapping out the code.
• #19
it seems you have misunderstood the tone of the discussion...
i'm sorry if i have offended you or any other google employees. -
• #20
Who works at Google?
• #21
i'm guessing a few people do...otherwise how would i find silly photos.
• #22
Yeah i think its good of google to care enough about their staffs working environment to put that much effort into making it a little bit fun. Seriously i cant see how anybody who has worked in a regular office especially in a creative role could not want something even remotly like that as a work environment!
• #23
...but you would look a bit of a cunt sliding down to lunch.
Can't see senior management doing it often ;-)
• #24
id rather slide down a slide than stand in a cramped lift with a bunch of 'suits' for 5 mins as it stops on every goddamn floor!
• #25
I'd sit on a skate board to go down the slide. Add some danger!
what a bunch of pooftas! stop relaxing and do some fucking work!(what ever they do)