• #1
• #2
Mayb you has NJS arrospok too?
• #3
is that your costume for the monoply ride, make a dress of monoploy money!?
• #4
It's US currency.. but I thought it was Monopoly money when I touched it!! Fake!!!! :)
• #5
hippy It's US currency.. but I thought it was Monopoly money when I touched it!! Fake!!!! :)
so it has the same value as monopoly money ;)
• #6
Less. Monopoly money has value to collectors :)
• #7
Even real US money has less value than the fake stuff. Our money is lame. Oh and Americas asshole, according to Kurt Vonnegut, is not Detroit where Im frome, its Midland City, Ohio.
• #8
actually repeatclicks, it's probably Mianus, Conneticut :)
• #9
interesting fact more monopoly money is printed every day than US currency!
• #10
Kelvin interesting fact more monopoly money is printed every day than US currency!
Not according to this: http://www.popularmisconceptions.com/blog/2007/05/08/7#respond
• #11
repeatclicks Even real US money has less value than the fake stuff. Our money is lame. Oh and Americas asshole, according to Kurt Vonnegut, is not Detroit where Im frome, its Midland City, Ohio.
no the redwings are in detroit
ergo its americas asshole...
or possibly florida.
hippy are you in the usa, or did you just dig through your pocket find 23 pence and take it to your local curency converter?