• #2
I know QR on a conversion is a bad idea but I'd say on a track frame you'd be fine.
My friend has a Mercian road conversion and the rear wheel just popped out at a traffic light.
• #3
I have tensioners.
It doesn't work though. The hollow through the axle has a larger diameter than QR skewers, so there's movement and it wouldn't run smooth and would be disastrous for chain tension.
I'll take the allen nuts with me and just use the QR to hold the wheels in the box.
• #4
If you having problems with using a qr on a fixed, it's prob cos you're not doing it up tight enough or you're using a modern lightweight type qr, which are designed only for vertical dropouts. If a qr works on horizontal road ends then they'll work on track ends. In fact the qr cam action can exert more clamping force than turning a nut.
In theory, it shouldn't make any difference that the inside of the hollow axle is bit big for the skewer as the qr just clamps the frame ends against the hub locknuts. But in practice, I suppose it could be a bit fiddlely cos there's movement between the hub and the qr, and it would be hard to make sure the skewer is centred in the axle before closing the lever. So that's what the collars are for.
• #5
I used a QR on my ss (running 52x18) for a while. It didnt budge with a decent steel qr skewer, but the cheapie security aleen-head qr skewer I bought was lethal.
I'm not sure if I'd have the balls to run fixed on a qr, if the wheel slips you can get into a lot more mischief that when you have a ratchet
• #6
Drill/cut/file/melt/sand/stretch larger holes into your bike box.
• #7
leeww Drill/cut/file/melt/sand/stretch larger holes into your bike box.
as above
• #8
Doesn't that kinda defeat the purpose of using a box?
Aren't the 120mm Phil's skinnier than 135mm road wheels? Why don't they fit?
Re-reading DK's post - are the skewer holes perhaps internal ones? In that case - chop away! :)
I'm flying with my bike in a few days and have just discovered that the wheels don't fit in the hard-case bike box that I have because the thickness of the nuts on the Phil Wood hubs is too wide for the holes on the bike box.
The bike box is clearly made specifically for road bikes and expects a QR skewer and not a track axle.
I've taken the nuts off the axle and the Phil Wood axle is hollow. I can stick a QR in to get the wheels into the bike box, but I'm now wondering whether it's possible to ride on the QR skewers in America. It will be a sure way to make sure I don't mislay the allen nuts I have, and will also be more convenient swapping out the wheels at each destination.
So, do the Phil Wood hubs naturally take QR?
Is QR on fixed a bad idea?