• #2
hell yeah! South East Skid Squadron? I wouldn't miss it for the world dude..
• #3
i'm in the lake district, playing a gig which will be fun, but i am gutted to be away.
• #4
I'm going, so's me bird, so's me mate and so's his bird and so's another mate and he doesn't have a bird and so's me workmate and so's his kids but dunno 'bout his bird..
• #5
• #6
• #7
Oi oi! Definately. After pooting around with my girl and her mates at snail pace, anyone fancy a race?
• #8
After the blistering email I sent them about their misrepresentation and paucity of ambition (for all their claims about cyclists taking over London, it's just one short route), it would be a bit hypocritical of me.
• #9
Deffo if i have built/bought a bike by then.
12 days......
• #10
I'm going, just to tit about...
• #11
I'm going and so's the bird.
photoben has a good idea - lets leave all the girls together to talk about shoes and stuff and we could burn off...
... er, maybe not.
• #12
Hovis is such a random sponsor. Still, I booked the day off work especially for it.
• #13
Jake Hovis is such a random sponsor. Still, I booked the day off work especially for it.
what are you, a priest?
• #14
slamm what are you, a priest?
Very sharp.
• #15
Im goin from south east(camberwell) way. up for meeting up with some fellow forumers.
• #16
slamm [quote]Jake Hovis is such a random sponsor. Still, I booked the day off work especially for it.
what are you, a priest?[/quote]
Nope, thats just when I'm employed in my mysterious job.
• #17
winston: you should bring the rollers to hyde park..
• #18
Rollapaluza will......see you on the LCC stand, good practice for the upcoming event. be sure to introduce yourself.
• #19
winston Rollapaluza will......see you on the LCC stand, good practice for the upcoming event. be sure to introduce yourself.
will do winston.
• #20
hippy winston: you should bring the rollers to hyde park..
good lord, have they re-formed
• #21
Nah, I meant these..
• #22
oh, so not these then
• #23
My bad.. I meant these..
• #24
you sure it's not this, i wouldn't want to turn up and be dissapointed
• #25
no these:
is anyone going to the freewheel in london? if so anyone going from the south? maybe we should form our own fixed hub and cycle down?