If we receive a takedown notice from a copyright or trademark owner, your site will be deleted.
Given how hard it is to start a community, how much energy that takes, it seems like a bad investment on your part if the risk is that it can be deleted without warning at any moment if you've gone and intentionally tried to pass yourself off as something you're not.
This is kinda like domain name rules enforced by ICANN. If you bought cocacola.com you should expect to lose it once they find out... and on the internet, they'll always find out.
It's a copyright issue and not a technical one.
If we receive a takedown notice from a copyright or trademark owner, your site will be deleted.
Given how hard it is to start a community, how much energy that takes, it seems like a bad investment on your part if the risk is that it can be deleted without warning at any moment if you've gone and intentionally tried to pass yourself off as something you're not.
This is kinda like domain name rules enforced by ICANN. If you bought cocacola.com you should expect to lose it once they find out... and on the internet, they'll always find out.