Bit wet on the road yesterday afternoon. First rain for a while so obviously bits of fine crap here and there. Parked car on my side of the road with car approaching so was polite and waved him through while coasting. Put in the power once he'd past to get round the car and weaved back on to my side after overtaking. Didn't however take into account the white stripe in the middle of the road, back wheel skidded at around 45' for 6 feet or more. I have no idea how I held on to it. Once the nerves settled down I ddn't half feel like I knew how to handle my bike!
Bit wet on the road yesterday afternoon. First rain for a while so obviously bits of fine crap here and there. Parked car on my side of the road with car approaching so was polite and waved him through while coasting. Put in the power once he'd past to get round the car and weaved back on to my side after overtaking. Didn't however take into account the white stripe in the middle of the road, back wheel skidded at around 45' for 6 feet or more. I have no idea how I held on to it. Once the nerves settled down I ddn't half feel like I knew how to handle my bike!