Got a load of parts that came out of my old PC a few months ago. Unless specified they are in 100% perfect working order, and wrapped in Anti-Static. - PICTURES TO FOLLOW
Asus M4A78LT-M LE Motherboard + AMD Phenom II Processor.
Bought these bundled and have never disassembled them. They work perfectly, there is no paperwork for the Processor, but Motherboard comes with it's original manuals. Originally £139 - asking £45
Asus HD-6770 Direct CU Graphics Card
Card bought and installed, but removed due to a lack of Xfire capability. It was replaced with the same card by a different company, as testament to it's power. 1GB GDDR5 on board. Comes in original box with all original documents Originally £89 - asking £35
Asus HD-6450 Silent Graphics Card
Installed for 1 week as an interim graphics card. 1GB DDR3, perfectly functional; but not powerful enough for modern Hi-res gaming. Comes in original box with all original documents Originally £49 - Asking £15
XFX HD-4850 1GB DDR3 Graphics Card
Removed from PC over a year ago. Still in working order, if a little sluggish by today's standards. Comes boxed without anti-static with original documents, but no box sleeve. Originally £100 - Asking £10
Asus Xonar DG - Full 5.1 Surround Sound and Headphone amplifier card.
This card is very very powerful, and arguably still the best on the market despite being 8 months old. To make best use of it connect a high powered set of headphones. Comes boxed in a Xonar DGX PCI-E box; I had two cards that got muddled up. The card is the one shown in the photos. Originally £25 - Asking £10
Belkin Kindle Sleeve
Bought for my mum for Christmas, but family gave her the wrong size kindle; so she gave it back to me. New in sleeve. Originally £15 - Asking £5
Old Dell Keyboard
Very functional keyboard - including audio controls. Features 2 USB ports too. Unboxed, no original packaging. Uses QWERTY (Standard UK) Key structure. Originally £35 - Asking £5
I'm pretty sure that's everything. As stated at the top pictures will be added shortly. I would really rather not post, but can at the buyers expense.
Happy to haggle.
Hey folks,
Got a load of parts that came out of my old PC a few months ago. Unless specified they are in 100% perfect working order, and wrapped in Anti-Static. - PICTURES TO FOLLOW
Asus M4A78LT-M LE Motherboard + AMD Phenom II Processor.
Bought these bundled and have never disassembled them. They work perfectly, there is no paperwork for the Processor, but Motherboard comes with it's original manuals.
Originally £139 - asking £45
Asus HD-6770 Direct CU Graphics Card
Card bought and installed, but removed due to a lack of Xfire capability. It was replaced with the same card by a different company, as testament to it's power. 1GB GDDR5 on board. Comes in original box with all original documents
Originally £89 - asking £35
Asus HD-6450 Silent Graphics Card
Installed for 1 week as an interim graphics card. 1GB DDR3, perfectly functional; but not powerful enough for modern Hi-res gaming. Comes in original box with all original documents
Originally £49 - Asking £15
XFX HD-4850 1GB DDR3 Graphics Card
Removed from PC over a year ago. Still in working order, if a little sluggish by today's standards. Comes boxed without anti-static with original documents, but no box sleeve.
Originally £100 - Asking £10
Asus Xonar DG - Full 5.1 Surround Sound and Headphone amplifier card.
This card is very very powerful, and arguably still the best on the market despite being 8 months old. To make best use of it connect a high powered set of headphones. Comes boxed in a Xonar DGX PCI-E box; I had two cards that got muddled up. The card is the one shown in the photos.
Originally £25 - Asking £10
Belkin Kindle Sleeve
Bought for my mum for Christmas, but family gave her the wrong size kindle; so she gave it back to me. New in sleeve.
Originally £15 - Asking £5
Old Dell Keyboard
Very functional keyboard - including audio controls. Features 2 USB ports too. Unboxed, no original packaging. Uses QWERTY (Standard UK) Key structure.
Originally £35 - Asking £5
I'm pretty sure that's everything. As stated at the top pictures will be added shortly. I would really rather not post, but can at the buyers expense.
Happy to haggle.