I have a few bits lying around from old builds. The frame is 60 or 61cm i think so maybe a bit too big but i thought i would contact you anyway just in case. I has a small dink in the top tube but aside that i think it is pretty much sound. 100mm front spacing and 130 rear. dura ace headset and i think a token bb in it at the moment but it has been sat for a while.
Let me know if you are interested, currently in Brockley, se4
Hey there
I have a few bits lying around from old builds. The frame is 60 or 61cm i think so maybe a bit too big but i thought i would contact you anyway just in case. I has a small dink in the top tube but aside that i think it is pretty much sound. 100mm front spacing and 130 rear. dura ace headset and i think a token bb in it at the moment but it has been sat for a while.
Let me know if you are interested, currently in Brockley, se4