OH im going to be so polite to be labelled as a theft of some kind from people who don't know sh1t about me
yes theft is rife but to stick it in a stolen bike thread takes the p1ss
lets hope one day you don't get accused of buying and selling stolen good without proof
and moderate here with people with your attitude NO THANKS
1f 1 was accused of such th1ngs 1'd be a lot more moderate 1n my response. As a mod of a forum you should be aware that l1ttle inderstand1ngs can be sorted vey eas1ly w1th a stra1ght forward response. If you th1nk my att1tude is 1n any way out of order you must have a particularly low threshold for such th1ngs.
1f 1 was accused of such th1ngs 1'd be a lot more moderate 1n my response. As a mod of a forum you should be aware that l1ttle inderstand1ngs can be sorted vey eas1ly w1th a stra1ght forward response. If you th1nk my att1tude is 1n any way out of order you must have a particularly low threshold for such th1ngs.
Welcome to the forum by the way.