Cheers. Hurts like feck. But I think its all impact, and a tiny bit of over extenstion.
Playing fecking touch rugby as well. Broke the line, sprinted like a champ, then as the sweeper came across I scored a slidding try. Except its a Pitch consisting of gravel on sand. So I didnt slide. I stopped dead, and the sweeper trampled me.
I came cm's from fucking up my ankle on my run just now. was dragging my feet trying to slow to about 10:00min pace and caught my shoe on a raised paving stone. luckily my foot was relaxed just enough that it kind of flopped around just before the muscles in my ankle reached full tension and straightened up again, could feel a sliiiiiiiiiight little stretch in the inside of my heel on the way back but no pain luckily as I think I might go mad if I got injured now.
One of my ankles is twice the size of the other. The imbalance leads to a lot of twists. The absolute best thing to do to aviod this. Is off road running. The uneven surface gives you a great ankle workout.
Wait till after the Marathon perhaps.
oh yeah and I threw on a hh mid layer instead of a baselayer as I was in a rush to get out the door and rather than smooth gentle merino caressing my nipples at mile 2/5 I realised I was wearing the merino equivalent of a hessian sack which was steadily trying to sandpaper my nipples off. short of running holding my top out like i was doing an impression of madonna circa early 90's there was fuck all I could do about it either, and the slower and more juddery I ran to stay on my easy pace the worse it got. thing is I got my rapha merino vest baselayer which I'm planning on testing for use on the day of the marathon but decided against wearing it today and to save it for tomorrows 13 mile tempo (9tempo+4easy). doh.
Definitly test clothing before the Marathon. Preferably in rain too. Dont make me repost the nippleless smallfurry pic.
Cheers. Hurts like feck. But I think its all impact, and a tiny bit of over extenstion.
Playing fecking touch rugby as well. Broke the line, sprinted like a champ, then as the sweeper came across I scored a slidding try. Except its a Pitch consisting of gravel on sand. So I didnt slide. I stopped dead, and the sweeper trampled me.
One of my ankles is twice the size of the other. The imbalance leads to a lot of twists. The absolute best thing to do to aviod this. Is off road running. The uneven surface gives you a great ankle workout.
Wait till after the Marathon perhaps.
Definitly test clothing before the Marathon. Preferably in rain too. Dont make me repost the nippleless smallfurry pic.