the guy I bought it off said it only takes him two minutes longer to climb ventoux on this than his colnago C40...
I have an 853 Weigh and a C59. The Weigh was the best purchase I've ever made - have done 7500 miles on it, rock solid reliable while not too heavy, lovely to ride. When I'm on the C59 on a flat road I miss the train-like quality the Weigh has at speed - seems to retain the energy you put into it. I still hugely enjoy riding it and much prefer 853 to lesser steel such as 531 - it's smoother and more titanium-like. GLWS and enjoy the new one.
I have an 853 Weigh and a C59. The Weigh was the best purchase I've ever made - have done 7500 miles on it, rock solid reliable while not too heavy, lovely to ride. When I'm on the C59 on a flat road I miss the train-like quality the Weigh has at speed - seems to retain the energy you put into it. I still hugely enjoy riding it and much prefer 853 to lesser steel such as 531 - it's smoother and more titanium-like. GLWS and enjoy the new one.