• https://leagueofbikepolo.com/forum/organizing-polo/2011/01/07/european-polo-association-discussion-have-your-say#comment-125047

    Now proposition updated.
    Keep on thinking, and keep your comments for LoBP.

    People were thinking that 10-12 is a limit. I chose 9 to keep representativness at it's best.
    7 seems too less.
    On the committee as I see it I expect something like 6 western european and 3 eastern one. If it would be 7, then 5-2 or even 6-1. That's not enough representative for me. I know this is speculation, but this seems better.
    Anyway the committee would do it's best to fix the default they would face.

    And still I would rather have some involved people from UK Fr and Ge than non involved from Eastern europe.
