ha is that an offer for next time? They earnt it, they had him for 3 weeks while I swanned around in Thailand and my cat is a monster and usually pulls a dirty protest on the bed if he feels wronged.
What are the key sources of protein for vegans?
I am told soy is bad for men so tofu and tempeh are out. I am trying to eat less gluten so i think that rules out seitan? which means I am left with nuts, seeds, lentils and protein supplements. Does anyone have any other ideas?
ha is that an offer for next time? They earnt it, they had him for 3 weeks while I swanned around in Thailand and my cat is a monster and usually pulls a dirty protest on the bed if he feels wronged.
What are the key sources of protein for vegans?
I am told soy is bad for men so tofu and tempeh are out. I am trying to eat less gluten so i think that rules out seitan? which means I am left with nuts, seeds, lentils and protein supplements. Does anyone have any other ideas?