• #2
Are these still for sale? I'll have them from you.
• #3
Bit off topic, how do you tell Athena and Chorus cranks from this era apart?
• #4
Bit off topic, how do you tell Athena and Chorus cranks from this era apart?
This is Chorus from 88-90
http://campagnolodelta.blogspot.co.uk/2011/01/1988-campagnolo-chorus-rear-derailleur.htmlAthena got similar design as above after about 1991, but mine is the first gen Athena from 88 until about 91
• #5
To confuse matters - after 91, Chorus got the same crank as Croce D Aune...
• #6
Hi, will you send the DT levers to Australia?
• #7
@Biker_dnb - which ones 7 or 8 spd?
Note adamgritz has first refusal on the 8 speed ones, calipers and cranks -
• #8
Prefer the 8sp ones if Adamgritz can't proceed.
• #9
Dibs on the Modolo aero levers. PMd
**All prices include UK delivery and paypal fees **
C Record D/T gear levers 7 speed syncro 2 £35
C Record D/T gear levers later syncro 8 speed with curved levers & barrel adjuster** £45** SOLD
Athena Calipers, great condition with unworn blocks and all adjusters present** £45** SOLD
Athena Cranks,170mm 42/52t great condition with almost zero scuff marks, bit of wear to L/H taper but its been solid an unchanged for the last 18mths I've used them** £40** SOLD
Modolo aero levers, tidy with virtually zero wear to hoods and levers** £20**
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