• #14227
Just had a look at a video on Youtube, and having done the same for my N4, you should be fine. Take your time and keep everything together. Took me about 40 minutes (and was sweating pretty badly from too much coffee + adrenaline)
Do you have the tools for it? If not, and you're in London you can borrow mine :)
• #14228
put the screws on a piece of paper and draw a circle around them as you put them down and number it.
helps you retrace things and stops you forgetting which piece is which.
source: I did the same for my gf's iphone.
• #14229
Wouldn't you be due an upgrade? Enjoying my note 3 after note 2 haha.
• #14230
Or use an ice cube tray, stop them rolling about. Fiance does it for when he's customising gameboy covers.
• #14231
The three kits I managed to order come with tools so I should hopefully have enough! The reassembly might be a bitch if I don't have the right kind of adhesive.
I am due an upgrade but had hoped to move to SIM only. Still an option I suppose and I will at least have spares!
• #14232
Also, mrs_com broke her lumia screen so ordered a kit for that which also has tools. I will be well practised when all this is done.
• #14233
Just remembered, the mother in law bought me a dry erase, magnetic worktop cover for Xmas, will use that for screws. Off to one side in case it fucks with the phone.
• #14234
I bet your were giddy with glee when you unwrapped that particular present. that's basically the adult equivalent of a kid getting a ps4.
• #14235
Managed to negotiate to not pay the exorbitant 15 quid cpw wanted to give me a micro sim and have the nexus 4 sourced above up and running.
First thing it did (apart from try to download 50-odd apps all at once) was offer me the KitKat upgrade, but the net says that it's fraught with problems. Shall I ignore it? Is there an easy way to get the notification to go away in that case?
Or is it worth the risk to give it a whirl..?
• #14236
Dropped my HTC One-X onto concrete and smashed the screen. Balls. 2 weeks away from the 24months. Ordered a replacement screen off ebay. Fucked that up too and somehow ordered 3 of them. Youtube tutorial makes it look like a PITA to replace.
If these kits are expensive you should be able to refuse delivery/send back 2 of them for refund? Save some cash?
• #14237
Not sure what you're reading about KK on N4.
It had some teething problems when it was first rolled out, I think, but that was ages ago. Have it on mine and no issues to report.Also lol at wanting to charge £15 for a micro sim. Do they even scissors ?!
• #14238
They have replied to my email. They have shipped all 3 but will accept 2 back for a refund. Very decent of them. Only £6.50 each so will see how many I break during the repair.
• #14239
Not sure what you're reading about KK on N4.
It had some teething problems when it was first rolled out, I think, but that was ages ago. Have it on mine and no issues to report.Also lol at wanting to charge £15 for a micro sim. Do they even scissors ?!
Same here, a few apps took a while to be compatible but they're sorted now ime.
Also lol at £15 the cheeky cunts, the CFW near me just cut it there and then for me for free
• #14240
Have been using a htc legend since 2010. Just swapped to a moto x.
Quite the difference. -
• #14241
what I really want is GPStuner for android...it was amazing on windows mobile, anyone know of anything similar.....
4 years later, is there anything like the windows mobile "GPS tuner" used to be? no single app I can find has all the functions this used to have.....the same company did do an android version (Outdoor navigation) but it doesn't work too well, and route creation is a nightmare.
I'd happily pay for a GPS program that had offline maps, route creation and editing, (GPS tuner even had a desktop software to download offline maps and draw routes on a big monitor), live route following and audible directions (bluetooth), tracking and analysis, import / export routes and tracks etc......nothing I can find does it all.
BTW: Gps tuner's desktop software (Map Calibrator) was free and still available AFAIK, you can draw custom routes and export to gpx or kml.
• #14243
This is awesome: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zegoggles.smssync
SMS Backup +
Backs up your SMS, MMS, and call log into labels within Gmail, and can also create calendar entries in your Google Calendar for every call you've made.
Effectively you can't lose that stuff (whereas today it's the only thing you can lose), and it does it in a way that makes it really useful (such as me seeing when I called the lawyer in my calendar and having Google Search in Gmail and Google Calendar find stuff for me).
Just a note for anyone who might be using this - it currently can't restore sms on kitkat, seems to have been an issue for them for a while looking at their github.
• #14244
wow, looks good, installed and seems slick! looks like you can export gpx for strava upload and the online route creator is awesome! can't wait to test ride.
• #14245
tested viewranger track recording today, couldn't test route following as was a club run, so didn't know where we were going...
track recording looks good, succesfully exported to gpx and uploaded to strava...used 10% of battery on a 2 hour ride.
will check route following soon...so far seems amazing for a free app.
• #14246
Well the app is free, the OS mapping is where they make their money. However if you don't need it then it's win all the way!
I use it for mountain walking / climbing and while you should have a paper map and compass as back up I've not needed to use them for over 3 years now.
• #14247
OSM are fine for nearly all types of cycling and there's pretty good coverage of bike paths and "Waldwegs" around here.
• #14248
Is there an option available to stop LFGSS appearing in about 14 different font sizes on my Moto G?
It makes it very hard to read.
• #14249
It's a bug, been happening to me for months...
• #14250
Are you using chrome? It's a bit weird on mobile, you could try another browser, firefox or dolphin.
Dropped my HTC One-X onto concrete and smashed the screen. Balls. 2 weeks away from the 24months. Ordered a replacement screen off ebay. Fucked that up too and somehow ordered 3 of them. Youtube tutorial makes it look like a PITA to replace.