The chap tries to sell his wares on here just like anybody else albeit at the upper end of the price scale and for that 'crime' he gets his arse trolled.
Out comes all the resentment, hate and negativity dressed up as some kind of superior cycle knowledge. And yes, if he was underselling his stuff cheap as chips guess what? he'd be a splended fellow wouldn't he?
It's only bike stuff not life's essentials....get a grip
No, I won't. You patronising git.
I'm not trying to knock your sale. I'm not interested in your bike.
I was making an observation on the technology of the time, if you didn't pick up on that.
Your 'observation' was meh, so what was the point in making it? At least PtP was civil, which is more than you are able to do.
Your 'observation' was meh, so what was the point in making it? At least PtP was civil, which is more than you are able to do.
Lets him sell his bike, or otherwise, in peace.