• In the 1970's, TIG kit was the preserve of Aerospace and Nuclear, i.e. real high end.

    I can't see why a frame builder, even today with affordable kit, would choose TIG over filet brazing a steel frame.
    Plus there's no filler bead evident.

    ok , here we have just another forum's professor....what you wrote is partially right , TIG welding was a preserve of Aerospace industry , but during the II world war...so a little bit before of your datation...

    So? Do you think that i wrote "year 1975" just to write something , isn't it? I've asked to Stelio to make a datation , is not mine.

    Try to do something , copy and paste the images of my stelbel , contact through FB the Tig master , Dario Pegoretti , he uses FB very easily and he answers to everyone...show him these pics and ask him info about the bike. Please , i'm not joking ,do it.

