I was toying with the idea of epoxy paint, which would be the desired finish.
a - I don't seem to be able to find it in white. Loading bays and plant rooms are usually greys or reds and that's what's available
b - I'm pretty sure it would disagree with my asthma for quite some time.
c - It would cost twice as much.
d - In my reading I did find a forum where someone was complaining about the fact the previous owners of her house had painted the floorboards with this stuff and she wanted natural wood and it was a fucker to sand away. So maybe that is a consideration.
Current thinking is:
Couple of coats of Ronseal diamond tough floor paint (which has mixed reviews)
Then a coat or two of yacht varnish.
I was toying with the idea of epoxy paint, which would be the desired finish.
a - I don't seem to be able to find it in white. Loading bays and plant rooms are usually greys or reds and that's what's available
b - I'm pretty sure it would disagree with my asthma for quite some time.
c - It would cost twice as much.
d - In my reading I did find a forum where someone was complaining about the fact the previous owners of her house had painted the floorboards with this stuff and she wanted natural wood and it was a fucker to sand away. So maybe that is a consideration.
Current thinking is:
Couple of coats of Ronseal diamond tough floor paint (which has mixed reviews)
Then a coat or two of yacht varnish.
Still not 100% sure though