This week’s session involved using a CAD generated template to profile the mitre angle of 73deg, I forget what program Darren used(may have been rattleCAD..), first off we created a centre line mark at each end of the tube and then attached the profile, 20mins later and the profile looks pretty good.
As can be seen in the above photos there is lug that will be used, unfortunately the frame supplier had sent the incorrect angle, this was only spotted after 20mins of facing the internal surfaces!!
We moved onto finishing off out Seat Tube – BB braze from last week.
Week 4 – Down Tube, Head Tube Mitre
This week’s session involved using a CAD generated template to profile the mitre angle of 73deg, I forget what program Darren used(may have been rattleCAD..), first off we created a centre line mark at each end of the tube and then attached the profile, 20mins later and the profile looks pretty good.
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As can be seen in the above photos there is lug that will be used, unfortunately the frame supplier had sent the incorrect angle, this was only spotted after 20mins of facing the internal surfaces!!
We moved onto finishing off out Seat Tube – BB braze from last week.
A good hour of cleaning/filing the braze this weekend and im quite happy for my first brazed joint!
/attachments/80237 /attachments/80238
Doubtful of an update for a couple of weeks as the college is shut this week for half term.
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