So I went to the BMX track today and had a chat with Alastair about the whole thing. Basically they are more than happy to rent out the track on a Sunday afternoon (after 1 pm). The cost is £35/hour for track rental and £25/hour for a certified coach, then £3/pp for bike+helmet+glove rental.
There's a maximum of 16 people per coach. I know a few non-polo ladies that are totally up for this, so basically it's a numbers game. If we get 12+ ladies to commit then we're looking at £13/each for a 2hr session, on a Sunday afternoon, then we could consider pub action after if people are up for it? There are a few decent pubs around that do a nice sunday lunch, we could make a day of it?
I'd like to put forward 2 dates just to see if there is any interest:
Sunday, March 9th, 1pm-3pm:
Sunday, March 16th, 1pm-3pm:
Sorry for taking so long to get this organised, been mega busy praying for longer days and nicer weather :)
Hi ladies!
So I went to the BMX track today and had a chat with Alastair about the whole thing. Basically they are more than happy to rent out the track on a Sunday afternoon (after 1 pm). The cost is £35/hour for track rental and £25/hour for a certified coach, then £3/pp for bike+helmet+glove rental.
There's a maximum of 16 people per coach. I know a few non-polo ladies that are totally up for this, so basically it's a numbers game. If we get 12+ ladies to commit then we're looking at £13/each for a 2hr session, on a Sunday afternoon, then we could consider pub action after if people are up for it? There are a few decent pubs around that do a nice sunday lunch, we could make a day of it?
I'd like to put forward 2 dates just to see if there is any interest:
Sunday, March 9th, 1pm-3pm:
Sunday, March 16th, 1pm-3pm:
Sorry for taking so long to get this organised, been mega busy praying for longer days and nicer weather :)
Hope you're all well xx