SRM can record at 0.5 second intervals, if I had to hazard a guess I'd say that this was ANT rather than ANT+?
The wired ones can go down to 10Hz/0.1sec - but yeah I think they dual broadcast on their own private ANT channel as well as ANT+. The SRM PCVII is certainly wired differently from normal ANT+ head units, but you can pick up something like a Quarq on a PCVII with a bit of fiddling
The wired ones can go down to 10Hz/0.1sec - but yeah I think they dual broadcast on their own private ANT channel as well as ANT+. The SRM PCVII is certainly wired differently from normal ANT+ head units, but you can pick up something like a Quarq on a PCVII with a bit of fiddling