• So an update to my damp skoda situation - took it to one garage, they were unable to remove the scuttle panel and wanted to order another one in before trying to remove it (and likely breaking it). Ended up taking it to Colin Gunning, VW/Audi specialist in Hertford. Trust him implicitly. Lovely bloke and excellent mechanic.

    He sorted it, the driver's side drain under the scuttle was blocked. Now for the drying of the car. I've luckily been driving it quite a bit over the weekend, and have made sure to have the heaters on full blast and pointed at my feet/the footwell.

    I've also got silica cat litter in trays in the two dry footwells to try to soak up any ambient moisture, seems to be working a bit... Beyond that, I'm not sure what to do, as it's parked on the street in E17, not conducive to leaving the doors/windows open during the day.

    Any other suggestions to dry it out quickly? Oh, and one of the back seats has got mould on it! What's best to get rid of that?

    PS - both those beemers are gorgeous.
