• #2
You only need a press if you want to replace the headset. Apart from that it should be hexs and some grease/lube. Wet weather so I would have guessed the lower cup has had it's grease washed out.
• #3
this information is helpful > http://chrisking.com/files/pdfs/Int20HeadsetsExplained.pdf
and this > http://www.slowtwitch.com/Tech/Headset_How-To_-_Part_1_3127.html
http://www.slowtwitch.com/Tech/Headset_How-To_-_Part_2_3159.htmlfor servicing > http://www.parktool.com/blog/repair-help/headset-standards
which indicates that bearings in some integrated headsets [may be slip fit, so no press required
a fully integrated headset has no cups, so no press required
• #4
Great. Thanks for the very helpful info.
Can anyone point me in the direction of how best to service integrated headsets?
When your headset develops some play, and it won't disappear by correctly loosening off and then re-tightening the headset - what's the correct process for discovering the the likely problem causing it - and what are the general problems likely to be?
Similarly, what tools do you need to do the job correctly - do you need a headset press?