Machineshopchum turned 0.2mm off the diameter of a Deda quill/ahead adaptor.
It all went in very nicely, I've regreased H/set too. There's bags of room for 28mm tyres (nimbus front, rando back) - big tyres help to make things look a little tidier too. Next step is to find a suitable seatpost (25.0) and sort out the drivetrain.
Machineshopchum turned 0.2mm off the diameter of a Deda quill/ahead adaptor.
It all went in very nicely, I've regreased H/set too. There's bags of room for 28mm tyres (nimbus front, rando back) - big tyres help to make things look a little tidier too. Next step is to find a suitable seatpost (25.0) and sort out the drivetrain.