Insane bargain - on the assumption it's well taught.
No complaints at all with the tutor, he has made it very clear that it will be an intense course as we only have 20hours, rather than the 40 hours of a week long course. Also it was recommended that we have a set of needle files and 80 grit emery cloth as there will be 2-3hours cleaning of joint to be done away from the workshop.
I would like to be on this too.
Dave Yates £2000 plus ~2 year waiting; Salford City College £215.
Can we organise a group buy and get the college to run another course?
I'll ask the question to Darren on Thursday as he will be able to give a more accurate answer than ringing the reception desk.
No complaints at all with the tutor, he has made it very clear that it will be an intense course as we only have 20hours, rather than the 40 hours of a week long course. Also it was recommended that we have a set of needle files and 80 grit emery cloth as there will be 2-3hours cleaning of joint to be done away from the workshop.
I'll ask the question to Darren on Thursday as he will be able to give a more accurate answer than ringing the reception desk.