Why change if you're concerned about how fast you go?
On my Pompetamine with inverted North Road bars, the stack and reach is about the same as riding on the hoods on my road bike, and I've done over 20mph round the Fifield course on it. On my T3 with the same form, I do about 24mph, but I can't ride the T3 on the dirt roads down by the Jubilee river :-)
Why change if you're concerned about how fast you go?
On my Pompetamine with inverted North Road bars, the stack and reach is about the same as riding on the hoods on my road bike, and I've done over 20mph round the Fifield course on it. On my T3 with the same form, I do about 24mph, but I can't ride the T3 on the dirt roads down by the Jubilee river :-)