The only Park Tools that can do one is their tyre levers.
Pedros levers are so much better in my experience. Never broken one. Managed to bust a complete Park set trying to get one particularly stubborn Conti tyre on.
What even the TL4C (the thicker ones I have hanging up?). I'd be impressed if you managed to snap one of those. I should say I got mine for free though.
I got lucky with buying the rest to be honest as Pro Bike Kit had a big sale on Park tools, I bought a few, then they sent me a code for another 10% off, so I got some really good prices. Bought the rest of the stuff from Bicycle Discount in Germany who were cheaper for some things.
You need one of these Ed:
What even the TL4C (the thicker ones I have hanging up?). I'd be impressed if you managed to snap one of those. I should say I got mine for free though.
I got lucky with buying the rest to be honest as Pro Bike Kit had a big sale on Park tools, I bought a few, then they sent me a code for another 10% off, so I got some really good prices. Bought the rest of the stuff from Bicycle Discount in Germany who were cheaper for some things.