• #27
Five viewers complain, five!
• #28
• #29
Let 'em have it.
• #30
Please sign this Change.org petition asking ASA to reverse this ridiculous ruling
• #31
• #32
• #33
• #34
• #35
that petition link isn't loading in Chrome, anyone else?
• #36
That bikebiz article seems to end on a bit of an unfinished note which could do with a bit more explanation:
The Nice Way Code campaign was roundly condemned by many cycling campaigners. -
• #37
Does anyone have authority over the ASA? If their procedures are based exclusively around the original recipient appealing, and they have no accountability to the public, they could potentially just ignore any campaign against the decision.
Wondering if there's anyone above them who complaints could be directed to who can hand a smack down.
EDIT: The change.org petition is being directed towards the independent reviewer of ASA adjudications so that seems appropriate.
You can also email the adjudicators directly at indrev@asbof.co.uk or contact them via post (or in person perhaps!) at their address below:
Independent Reviewer of ASA Adjudications
7th Floor North
Artillery House
11-19 Artillery Row
SW1P 1RT -
• #38
“The ASA has withdrawn its formal ruling against a Cycling Scotland ad pending the outcome of an Independent Review. That followed a request from Cycling Scotland, in which it argued that the ASA’s criticism of the positioning of the cyclist was incorrect. The decision to withdraw was made by the ASA Chief Executive in light of a potential flaw in our ruling. Once the Independent Review process is complete we will publish our decision on our website.”
• #39
The ASA's cycling position comment was incredibly ill-advised given that it was centred on the observation that in the advert the overtaking car had to move into the other lane.
As any fule kno, this is exactly what you'd expect to happen, given that you're supposed to give cyclists at least as much room as you'd give a car - a full lane in other words:
In effect the ASA was both advising gutter cycling and condoning close passes.
Everyone's going mental about it (ASA decision) on twitter, might be worth taking a look there.