There's a fine line between artisticness/experimentation/form over function and "intellectual masturbation".
I love "enter the void" but if somebody says its a visual jerk-off I have to agree too. Sometimes you don't know why you like a movie, but if there's no engagement with the theme or main characters I guess it's a lot cause.
Nothing much happens in "once upon a time in anatolia" yet I found it much more engaging than Michel Bay's Kaboomski fests. That, of course, says something about my taste.
I think, ultimately, technique IS important but only part of the story, if you fail to engage the viewer with the story / characters it's ultimately a bit dead.
There's a fine line between artisticness/experimentation/form over function and "intellectual masturbation".
I love "enter the void" but if somebody says its a visual jerk-off I have to agree too. Sometimes you don't know why you like a movie, but if there's no engagement with the theme or main characters I guess it's a lot cause.
Nothing much happens in "once upon a time in anatolia" yet I found it much more engaging than Michel Bay's Kaboomski fests. That, of course, says something about my taste.
I think, ultimately, technique IS important but only part of the story, if you fail to engage the viewer with the story / characters it's ultimately a bit dead.