Currently working on an old Raleigh single speed project.It's been many years since I have taken a frame back to metal.
Removing old paint and years of rust is certainly a time consuming affair.Have used the usual paint stripper,wire wool and now on the 2nd wire brush.Finally turned that all important corner having just started priming the frame and forks.
The plan is for a single speed cruiser type bike using as much of the original parts as possible.
To be continued.........
Currently working on an old Raleigh single speed project.It's been many years since I have taken a frame back to metal.
Removing old paint and years of rust is certainly a time consuming affair.Have used the usual paint stripper,wire wool and now on the 2nd wire brush.Finally turned that all important corner having just started priming the frame and forks.
The plan is for a single speed cruiser type bike using as much of the original parts as possible.
To be continued.........