• #2
search nikon some guy was selling a nikon scanner a few months back .. maybe longer
• #3
Whoa. The search is on for sure...
• #4
i bought an older one off him
still haven't managed to get it to work yet though
http://www.lfgss.com/thread93980.htmlhere is his other sale thread
no advise if it sold
http://www.lfgss.com/thread101762.html -
• #5
I have an Epson 4870 flat bed scanner I've been meaning to sell. Boxed with all the original bits and pieces, film holders for 35mm, 120 and 5x4. Same as this: Epson 4870
Hello fine peoples!
I've realised I've got stacks of negatives building up and just got me a lovely PS compact again. Anybody got a scanner with 35m capabilities they want to get rid off?
London based