Got the week wrong, so last saturday I went to brighton. Got to the roxy early and decided to roll down thinking you'd catch me up. The route I used was the usual friday night ride to the coast.
Guess I figured why none of you caught up with me.
Took me about 6 hours, didn't go to the seafront or station. One bottle of water and a malt loaf and Jamaican ginger cake. Stopped for a bit at the top of the hills and scoffed some cake but that was it.
Rode back monday, which was really nice slightly longer route back.
Got the week wrong, so last saturday I went to brighton. Got to the roxy early and decided to roll down thinking you'd catch me up. The route I used was the usual friday night ride to the coast.
Guess I figured why none of you caught up with me.
Took me about 6 hours, didn't go to the seafront or station. One bottle of water and a malt loaf and Jamaican ginger cake. Stopped for a bit at the top of the hills and scoffed some cake but that was it.
Rode back monday, which was really nice slightly longer route back.