• My chain snapped on Old Kent Road yesterday am, by Burgess Park, and the nearest open bike shop (no chain tool in kit, sadly) was Evans at London Bridge - a long way for the coasting-with-cleats shuffle of shame. I'd also never realised that OKR to Great Dover St is veeeery slightly uphill.

    SO I was feeling fairly chipper despite being very late for work, and looking forward to a shorter cycle to the pub, when I realised that some dick at work has pinched my rear light from the bike (which was in the secure bike parking in the basement). I mean, is there a more petty thing than to steal a light when it's dark outside?


    Fucking irritating. I once went down to get changed for my commute home one Winter's evening to find someone had taken my biblongs. But had left my base layer and winter jersey and shoes.
