I would not have asked the questions if I wasn't interested, and the information will enable me to decide whether I want to buy it, or not. Most sellers would put this (fairly fundamental) info' in the advert. You're selling it overseas and not via ebay so you have no selling costs, and the buyer has no protection. You're asking top top dollar for one of these frames, perhaps even over the top. So, it's hardly a big ask to want to know the frame number and measurements, and to see a picture of the whole frame, and some close ups now. Is it?!
ps - the seat post out picture - that's so as I can see that it comes out.
I would not have asked the questions if I wasn't interested, and the information will enable me to decide whether I want to buy it, or not. Most sellers would put this (fairly fundamental) info' in the advert. You're selling it overseas and not via ebay so you have no selling costs, and the buyer has no protection. You're asking top top dollar for one of these frames, perhaps even over the top. So, it's hardly a big ask to want to know the frame number and measurements, and to see a picture of the whole frame, and some close ups now. Is it?!
ps - the seat post out picture - that's so as I can see that it comes out.