Nope. 40min indoors would be a pretty good value I think. Have a good progressive 10min warm up first.
But do note hippys comment and link, the best test is the one that is repeatable. I'd never do anything other than a MAP test. So if you're happy to stick with this test then do it. If 20min with a blow out first is more repeatable then do that.
Also note my comment on watt bike power reading fluctuation between machines.
It doesn't really matter exactly what you do, you'll get a figure in the same region. And the only real test is the real thing.
Nope. 40min indoors would be a pretty good value I think. Have a good progressive 10min warm up first.
But do note hippys comment and link, the best test is the one that is repeatable. I'd never do anything other than a MAP test. So if you're happy to stick with this test then do it. If 20min with a blow out first is more repeatable then do that.
Also note my comment on watt bike power reading fluctuation between machines.
It doesn't really matter exactly what you do, you'll get a figure in the same region. And the only real test is the real thing.